Thursday the 24th of June 2021, the Brikama Area Council (BAC) disburses a huge sum of one million, Four hundred and seventeen thousand, three hundred and ten dalasi (D1, 417,310) to seven communities within the west coast region.

The names of communities which enjoy broad smile in the face due to the financial intervention of the council as well as their proposed intervention areas where the monies are to be used and are as follows:


  1. Kuloro Village Development Committee – D259, 910 for the completion of a community market project.
  2. Tawuto VDC –D62, 400 for the expansion of their water project.
  3. Sangajor VDC -138,500 for the upgrading of solar  water  system
  4. The Progressive youth of Kampasa- D156, 500 for the upgrading of the water borehole system.
  5. Marakissa Sports Committee- D100, 000 for the completion of the fencing   of their football field.
  6. Lamin CDC Development – D250,000 for the rehabilitation of a 4.8 kilometres feeder road
  7. Nema Kabilo Development Association Brikama-D450, 000 for the provision of 60 solar street lights as part of plans to transform the community of Brikama Nema .


According to the sources from the council, the support followed a formal request from beneficiary communities and an assessment was conducted by the Directorate of Planning and Development of the council to determine the alignment of the request to meet the community’s  strategic needs.  The source added that the request advanced by the communities is consistent and in line with the vision and mission of the council.

Speaking at the presentation, the Chairman of the council, Honourable Sheriffo Sonko emphasised that his council’s commitment to ensuring that revenues are ploughed back to the communities. He urged people to be tax compliant and pay tax on time as this will enhance the continuity of similar intervention within the region.


By: Alkali Cham