Today marks exactly one year since the first coronavirus death was reported in Wuhan China resulting in a worldwide pandemic at a scale never seen before in history. It stretches economies and threatens them to a brink of collapsed crumbling to their knees. But all these come at the human cost with millions of lives lost. How has the continent of Africa managed the virus?

As of today, Africa has registered 72, 856 coronavirus deaths with 3, 070, 759 people contracting the virus across the continent. South Africa registered the highest number of cases with 1, 231, 597 cases and 33, 163 deaths also the highest across the continent. Morocco registered the second highest cases of 452, 532 and 7, 743 deaths followed by Tunisia with 159, 276 cases and 5, 215 deaths. Egypt came fourth in the list of countries with 149, 792 infected cases across Africa but came second with the highest number of deaths totaling 8, 197.

The Gambia, unlike some countries, has registered few cases of 3, 857 with 125 people reported dead from the disease. The Worldwide figures is 90, 879, 233 infected cases with 1, 946, 619 reported deaths. The United States has both the highest number of infected and death cases across the globe with 22,941,707 and 383,472.