Momodou Sabally accused the lead counsel of the Just concluded Truth Repatriation and Reconciliation Commission (TRRC) as a tool to pursue his political agenda.

Below reads the full article 

And when someone asked what was my opinion about Essa Faal upon the release of his closing statement at the TRRC, this was my response:

This dude is a prejudiced narcissist with no other intention but to use the TRRC as a platform to launch his personal political agenda using the misery of poor victims as a launch pad for his political adventurism.

Essa Faal is someone who himself was a tool of Yahya Jammeh at the ministry of justice in the early years of the AFPRC.

For such a person to mount the moral high horse and constantly browbeat a selected group of witnesses while protecting others like Fatou Bom Bensouda at the same time; while the nation sits hypnotized, amazes me.

Let’s watch his next steps; it is only when he rolls out his grand egotistical agenda, that Gambians will understand what I predicted about Essa Faal when he shamelessly bribed a witness at the TRRC in the name of a land gift; and also pitted the unwitting public against the powers that be by preempting the outcomes of the TRRC’s work…

Essa’s reckless adventure is certainly going to mar the public perception regarding the TRRC. At the very least, Essa should have waited for a reasonable cooling period after the submission of the TRRC report before venturing into politics…

But this is Gambia…


Momodou Sabally