By Yerro Mballow

The Kanifing Municipal Scout Association has on the 23 April 2022 organized an iftar and  a drug awareness sensitization programs for youth and student membership of the Association at SerreKunda  West Park – Buffer Zone, Tallinding.

DLEAG as a long standing partner of the association participated in the program and presented on the drug abuse situation in The Gambia as well as the effects of drugs on youth, children and society.

Speaking at the program, Lamin K Jobarteh of the Public Affairs and Drug Demand Reduction Unit of the Agency commended the Regional Scout Association for organizing such an important program and inviting experts to deliberate and share knowledge on the impact of drugs on youth, children and society. He presented on the drug abuse situation in The Gambia, classification, legal as well as the health and social implications of drug abuse, illicit drug trafficking and related activities.

Dilating further, he called on the youths to shun illicit drug trafficking and abuse and focus on their education and things that will add value to their lives and that of those around them.

Another speaker at the occasion was Oustaz Yerro Bah. He dwelled on the the religious aspects and implications of drugs abuse and illicit drug trafficking.He advised the Students and youth to be good ambassadors of their schools and communities.

The program was attended by a cross sections of students, teachers and community leaders including the Imam of the mosque situated at the park.