He’ll never be wise
It all arises
From not having any good adviser and advice
Only can they chastise
Many things they compromise
Even our peace with Cassamance
If they were a product: no one will purchase
Even if you advertise

Pious while
You swine
And wine
Also dine
But you don’t fine
Anytime to dime with your people
How can you live?

being bold is to prepare
To retire
Even retyre
The broken glass: who can repair?
Guys and gurls at fanfare
They need maximum care

The wheel barrow, the career lier
For his desire , he’ll never retire
The white Attire
Cat fish, no one he dish
Lads drink only Ataya
Smoke taya
Drink water

The Gambia
Homeland of all people
Don’t throw motar, the pebble
It will tussle
The power you hassle
Will paddle
You without wrestle
Halt the trouble
Am be humble

Mandela Jr. 2022
University of The Gambia
School of Arts and Sciences
Major in Development Studies & Minor in Environmental Sciences.